All 16 /Amphibians 6 /Arthopods 2 /Lizards 2 /Mammals 4 /Turtles 2 Sammy the Virginia opossumOlive the Curly Hair TarantulaRichard the Red-eyed Tree FrogLouis and Lyle the Crocodile NewtsDale the ChipmunkHoney Buns, Skittles, and Oreo the Guinea PigsSeneca the CoyoteDubai the Dubia CockroachesSteve and Terri the Marine ToadsHopper the White's Tree FrogThe Underminer the Spotted SalamanderBubbles the African BullfrogPretty Boys and The Twins the Gila MonstersLeo, and Stella the Blue-tongued SkinksClifford the Red-footed TortoiseDotty the Diamondback TerrapinPage 1 of 512345