Nutmeg the Saw-Whet Owl


Saw-Whet Owl

Nutmeg arrived at the Roaring Brook Nature Center on November 7th, 2012 after being found on the side of the road in Harwinton, Connecticut. She had suffered major head trauma and damage to her right eye. Working with our avian veterinarian we attempted to save her eyesight but, the damage was too extensive and unfortunately the vision was lost.

As a result of these injuries Nutmeg is non-releasable and she will live in captivity the rest of her life. Her arrival at the Center was less than ideal but, she has settled in quite well.

She now enjoys her quiet home where she eats all that is given to her, plays opossum when she hears someone she doesn’t know, and hides food around her enclosure. She is quite a character and always makes us laugh!

Resident at our Canton CT campus