Alfa the Three-toed Box Turtle
Alf the Three-toed Box Turtle

Alfa and Alf

Three-toed Box Turtles

Arriving in September of 2004 Alfa came in as a surrendered pet. Often times when people are decide that it is time to find an alternative home for their pet it is because they do not have the time or the resources to give it adequate care.

Alfa came into our Center with extensive shell rot all over her carapace and plastron, which is the result of poor husbandry. You can still see the residual scarring where the shell rot had taken place and unfortunately these will be permanent marks that she will carry with her the rest of her life.

Received in January of 2003 Alf was in desperate need of medical attention. He was a neglected pet and his weight had been reduced to just shell and skin. Since turtles are excellent survivors an owner can neglect a turtle for a long time and as long as there is a water source in the cage the turtle will continue to live.

Alf is now in exceptional good health and is one of our largest resident box turtles.

Residents at our West Hartford CT campus